Can I join in on a social Club run before I decide to join the Club?
Yes you can, but please make sure you register for the event on the event page. Having made the decision to check us out, please take one more step and make yourself known to any of the Club Committee members present (they will be wearing name tags) – they will be able to answer any questions you may have.
I am interested in a Family membership. How many members of my family can this include?
A family is defined as two adults and their dependants under 18 residing at the same address and provides Full Membership for both adults. See “membership categories” for more information.
Can a non-Club member join in MX -5 Club events/runs if accompanied by a Full member?
Of course, although if you anticipate that the guest will become a regular then taking out Club membership (Single for them or Family for both of you) is encouraged so that the guest can enjoy the full benefits of membership.
Can any model MX-5/Miata join the Club?
Yes. This includes Australian-delivered cars as well as cars sourced independently from Japan or elsewhere. Please note that the Fiat 124 is not considered an MX-5 model or derivative and is not eligible for membership.
What benefits do I get with Club membership?
As a member, you will benefit from the Club’s monthly magazine, “mxtra”, with reports on Club social and motor sport activities, upcoming events, technical advice on your MX-5 and more. You’ll receive a membership card/name tag, Club car sticker and keyring. In addition, a number of Club sponsors provide discounts on purchases made from them.
Check out this website fully to get all the detail on what the Club offers but, most importantly, you will meet a group of people from a variety of backgrounds who have one thing in common: they like nothing better than driving and talking about driving their MX-5, regardless of whether that’s on the motor sport track or the open road.
Can I register my car under the VicRoads Club Permit Scheme?
Yes, providing you are a Full Member of the Club and your MX-5 is at least 25 years old. The Club will only support CPS applications for MX-5s. See the Membership section of this website for more information.
Do I have to be a Club member to purchase merchandise?
Yes you do, access to the online Merchandise Store requires you to use your username and password.
Is there an age limit for membership?
Not that we have noticed! We have people from their teens to their 80s competing in sprints and other motor sport events, and on our Club social runs. We don’t have a minimum age limit either, as long as you have access to an MX-5.
Full membership is open to people over 18 years and over. Those under 18 can be part of a Family membership or an Associate member. For age conditions in motorsport see the Motorsport section …
Am I covered by Club insurance if an incident occurs on any MX -5 Club event?
Not personally. The Club carries liability insurance for all its events, however you are responsible for your actions on the road and track. Participating in a Club event will fully indemnify and hold the Club harmless in connection with all claims arising from such damage, injury or loss.
Is my membership honoured if I move States?
The Australian MX-5 Clubs have reciprocal rights which allow you to participate in Club events in other States. The agreement between the Clubs is that when you transfer from one to another, no new joining fee is required. It is up to the individual Club as to whether they waive their Club’s annual or pro rata membership fee (as applicable) for the year you transfer.
Can the club be hired out for social appearance events/joy rides?
The Club has provided cars for use at venues as diverse as the Cox Plate parade at Moonee Valley to the Australian Grand Prix at Albert Park and smaller events. If you have something in mind, such as a motoring event, show & shine day or charity event, feel free to contact us at and we’ll see what we can do. Ultimately though, the cars are privately owned by individuals and participation in any event is the decision of each member.
Can I join in on other Club Chapter / interstate Club runs?
Most definitely! We encourage as many members as possible to participate in the wide variety of events arranged by the different Chapters in Victoria and Tasmania. For interstate Club runs, it’s best to contact the specific Club to see what events they will have on during your visit and how you can participate.
How much time is required to be an active Club member?
This depends on what you mean by “active”. If you join mainly to participate in social events, each of the six Victorian and Tasmanian Chapters has at least one run per month, plus other occasional get-togethers. Of course, there is no obligation to attend any specific number of events – the choice is yours.
If your forté is motor sport and you are interested in competing in the Club Sprints Championship, you would need to attend around 10 events a year. These are held at circuits like Phillip Island, Winton, Sandown, Broadford, Calder and Wakefield.
We also offer an annual Club Khanacross Championship based at the Bryant Park hillclimb track near Morwell. If you like motorkhanas or hillclimbs etc, other Motorsport Australia-affiliated organisations run events which are open to car club members.
Is it addictive?
Most definitely, but it’s a very healthy form of addiction! Regular participation increases your enjoyment of your beloved MX-5, and sharing that enjoyment with many like-minded enthusiasts brings smiles, laughter and new friendships.
Does your club offer the “club plates scheme”?
Yes! But only for Victorian-registered cars*. The scheme is open to MX-5s (and Eunos Roadsters and Miatas) which are at least 25 years old (first registered in 1989 or later). Full details of the Club’s involvement are available in the Membership section of this website. (*Note: Tasmanian-registered cars need to be 30 years old to qualify for the equivalent scheme in that state.)