Club Social Runs – COVID-19
These guidelines are provided in addition to the club run rules and incident procedures. They take into account the additional considerations for club runs while government restrictions are in place.
Where practical, these guidelines will be updated to reflect changes in COVID-19 restrictions.
1. The health and safety of everyone – members, volunteers, and the general public is the most important consideration. This requires a collective and individual responsibility for
everyone’s safety to be displayed by members and participants at all times.
2. All runs will be subject to the current Victorian/Tasmanian Government COVID-19 community health regulations and advice. Runs may be cancelled with little or notice if this advice changes.
3. Maintain hand hygiene practices. Participants are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitiser.
4. Maintain social distancing practices.
5. Avoid sharing any equipment and swapping between vehicles.
6. Shared food will not be permitted.
7. Pre-registration will be necessary for all participants, including passengers. The “No Registration, No Run” will be strictly enforced. That is, participants who have not pre-registered will not be able to participate in the event and will be asked to leave.
8. There will be no gatherings, including drivers’ briefings, sign on for events, etc.
9. All participants are required to register on the day by the use of the displayed QR Code.
10. All participants will receive a pre-event briefing via email.
11. Participants will be required to print their own copy of the briefing notes. No briefing notes will be available at the event.
12. All participants will be encouraged to communicate during the run via radio and mobile phone.
13. All participants should have the mobile phone of the Run Leader (this will be sent to the driver after their QR Code registration) and Tail End Charlie
14. End of run activities will be permitted. However, participants must follow the necessary social distancing and hygiene guidelines.