Turtons Track run

Story: Noellene Gleeson

It’s between 9.30 and 10am and the cars start arriving. To fill in the time waiting is quite easy … we all love to yak, and some make use of the time to check under bonnets etc.

We were expecting eight cars to leave from Ballarat, so at 10am on the dot a call to start engines is made. Hey, hang on, here comes another one … Anton, a Central Chapter member who has just moved up this way, has joined us for the day.

After introductions and welcoming handshakes we are on our way.

Heading out through Buningyong and then on to the Colac road, from here to Cressy, where we pick up another three cars, it’s a windy bushy road, so it’s a good start for the rest of the day.

After the pickup, a few kilometres of straight and, I might add, rough bits we arrive in Colac for morning coffee break.

OK guys, let’s head off for the best bit of the day. We are in the Otway ranges now so the road is terrific – twists and turns that all who have these little cars just love.

We are now at Beech Forest where we pull in to sort out who wants to have a bit of a squirt, and who wants a leisurely go at Turtons Track.
This is our favourite run, although you need to be very aware of oncoming traffic. This road is very narrow, and you come out of one turn and go into the next.

It is also very beautiful – tall straight gums and amazing ferns – we l…o…v…e it!

After our bit of fun we head up to the Barwon reservoir for a picnic lunch.

A couple of cars leave for home after lunch; the rest of us head down to the Great Ocean Road.

We all know the fun that can be had on the stretch to Skenes Creek. Well, of course, on a Sunday heading to Lorne you can expect to be held up with traffic, but my goodness … 40km/h??

We’ve now gone through Lorne and have turned towards Winchelsea.

More twists, turns and sweeps, and the slow traffic let us through. THANK YOU!

At Winchelsea we pull in for a coffee and to say goodbye to a couple of friends, and then head home to Ballarat.

What a day, what a run (400km) … what great company, what great little cars.


This Page Last Updated on 06-05-2015 by